Centennial of 1918 Armistice
November 11, 2018 is the centennial of Armistice Day, 100 years after the signing of the agreement that led to the ending of the War to End All Wars (World War I). At the time it was a momentous event that brought a horrific war to an end. This is often overshadowed by what came next and brought about the Second World War, but there is no reason that the First World War should be forgotten, nor what brought that conflict to a close. The Armistice of November 11, 1918 is a pivotal point in history and is the origin of what we call Veterans Day today. After all, why should those who died in that war be the only ones to be honored when other wars had been fought and would be fought in the future? Perhaps the best answer to that is “Know your history”. People should know where our traditions come from and why they are important enough to have their own commemorative day. Nobody alive today fought in the war, and any alive today who had lived through the war were far too young to remem...